The last few days to what now that I think of it-over a week has been… odd for me. From just before I went to PA to see some venues with Anita (and go to James’ house party). I just haven’t felt right. I thought that it was my body coming down with something. I thought I was getting a cold. I actually thought it was kinda funny that at the end of all this, I’d be getting a cold right before getting to work. But now that I’ve spent the last two days REALLY thinking about (and being a little reclusive… which is a little easier when you’ve got snow snow snow snowtorious going on outside), it’s not a little cold. It’s something so much more than that.
In my idle time sitting here on the couch I spend so much time just thinking (and playing Madden). I think about all sorts of stuff. My life, my job, my friends… My love. Yesterday, I had a conversation with my mom about me possibly becoming an atheist. It hurt her and it hurt me to see her hurt by it, but it was something that I had just been thinking about. She told me that she couldn’t believe that those words could pass my lips after everything I had just been through. And I could see it on her face. She spent so much time pleading with God to spare me what could’ve been my demise (by last count) three times over. The fact that we heard the news that the Myleran was working on her birthday was some sort of sign to her. A rebirth of sorts. An end to the 30 year war my body had been waging on itself.
And then, as it tends to do, my mind went on a tangent. Why? Why all of a sudden was I due for this miracle? A drug that is rarely used for anything is basically saving my life? A mild chemotherapy pill no wider than the circumference of the tip of my pinky was going to make me last? For what? Does it mean anything? Does any of this mean anything? Was it just dumb luck? That 1 in 50 shot when the hail mary is actually CAUGHT by the wide receiver in the end zone to win the game?
And then, as I tend to do, I thought about Anita. She’s the only one here that has no vested interest in this at all. She’s the one that should’ve run for the hills at the first sign of blood. She’s the one that isn’t obligated by any ties of family or long standing friendship to be by my side for any of this. But that’s right where she was. She couldn’t be there for me (physically) as much my sister, and she didn’t get as emotional about everything as my mother (very few people do), but in her own Anita way, she was there for me.
The last two days have been exceptionally difficult for me emotionally. I was so confused as to what I was feeling exactly. My eyes welled up for no reason at times, I didn’t really feel like talking to anyone, I listed to all sorts of sad songs, and missed my friends. I attributed it to the snowmageddon going outside. Crappy weather… Sad feelings.. It happens, right? Well, it finally hit me tonight while Anita and I were discussing what our plans were for Valentine’s Day. I miss her. I mean, I miss her all the time, but right now, I really miss her. I’ve been obsessing over her curly hair and some of the faces she makes and some of the weird things we say to each other that make us US, and I just… miss her… but I digress.
We were talking about our plans and I started fantasizing about living together and all that stuff and how often she would need a night out with her friends to deal with the fact that… Well… She’d be living with me… It’s not going to be easy… I mean… I have bad morning breath, I am messy, and I never wear pants at home… And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. And then I thought about the future and yadda yadda yadda… sappy sappy sappy…
And that’s when everything came together. An epiphany. I felt that maybe there was a God; maybe there WAS a rhyme AND a reason to all of this. Everything that I’ve been through over the last few months. I can’t tell you what it’s like to think that “Oh my God, there’s a chance I might die”. It’s scarier than you can possibly imagine. But for what? Maybe God WANTED me to go through all this. Maybe the fact that I fell ill IMMEDIATELY after proposing to Anita wasn’t a coincidence, but a sign. I’ve been dealing with this blood shit since I was five damn years old. I can’t even count how many different doctors I’ve seen to try and figure out what wrong. I don’t even remember half the procedures I’ve had to go through to identify what exactly was the ticking time bomb behind all my ailments. So why now, right? Maybe I needed to get through all this to purge my body of it. Maybe even a test for Anita; a test of her commitment and resolve and LOVE for someone that might not be there forever. So many times I’ve come to the brink with this thing over the last 25 years and now, as I’ve found my wife, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with; maybe God found it necessary or thought it was time that this battle should end with me (and us) the victor. To essentially end that chapter of my life so that I can officially move on to the next one without having to worry about what lurks around the corner or when the next landmine will get stepped on.
That feeling I couldn’t identify for the last two days? I needed to cry. That’s what it was. I know it’s weird to have a man say that, but it’s true. I needed to cry. I put on a movie that I haven’t seen since I was about 17 years old and I really let it out and it felt 100% cathartic. This thing with Anita. I can honestly say that I’ve never felt this way before. EVER. And we’re SO different. And sure, there are times that she pisses me off and probably double that (at least) for the amount of times that I’ve pissed her off, but in the end, I never want to wake up next to anyone else.
If this is the case, and this is the endgame then it was all more than worth it. The fear, the overwhelming and consuming fear of not knowing whether or not if the sun will set for me soon was worth it. If this was the rain and the rest of my life with Anita is the rainbow; I would’ve gone through double what I went through (not that I’m volunteering.. yikes). Anita, me, her family, my family, OUR family… Nothing less than a gift from God. Living mostly happily ever after. I couldn’t think of a better ending.