Monday, January 23, 2012

Late Night Ramblings

“When everyone else goes home, you’re stuck with yourself” – Layne Staley


You know, I’m not as big into the grunge/depressed music scene (though I still appreciate it), but Alice in Chains will have always played a deep roll in who I am, for better or for worse.

The doctor is encouraged by my progress after my bone marrow transplant, but the after effects are absolutely horrifying.  On Thursday, it was decided that I need a week off from work just to regain my strength.  I’m hoping that I get the rest that I need, but this insomnia thing isn’t exactly helping.

For some reason, Cinemax keeps showing Robocop and I’m totally OK with that.

One of the shortcomings that I have now is extreme fatigue.  It’s costing my footing at my job and time with the ones that I love.  Recently, I missed the Christening of one of BEST FRIEND’S son.  The day of the Christening, I woke up at 3:00 in the afternoon.  It wasn’t fair and I’ll never get that back.  She and her husband (also a great friend now) will be in my life for the rest of my life and I feel like it will always be a stain on our relationship.

Have you SEEN the pictures from my wedding?  Can you imagine a more beautiful bride?  People that know me (and know what I look/act like) see a picture of my wife for the first time and their first reaction is always something to the tone of, “How the eff did you pull that off?”  My response is and always will be, “I have no idea and I don’t deserve her.”

Is anyone else rooting for Newt as much as I am?  I mean, it’s not everyday you get a family values candidate on his 3rd wife.  I’m a little concerned that if he should win the presidency, with the economy ailing the way it is, he’d be inclined to leave it for a younger, more healthy economy.

So, after about 5 consecutive years of just absolute mismanagement by the Dolphins culminating in them courting a head coach while still actually having a head coach of their own,two of the biggest Giants fans I know encouraged me to return to the team of my youth, the NY Giants.  I’ve been a Giants fan all season and let me tell you, this is by far the best football season of me life.  THANK YOU!

There are times when I miss some of the other livejournal/internet friends that I had back in the heyday of blogging and whatnot, but I would not be willing to trade any of them for the ones that made the leap to ACTUAL friends.

Seriously, Robocop is amazing.  DEAD OR ALIVE, YOU’RE COMING WITH ME!

One of my better friends had laser eye therapy treatment surgery so now he doesn’t need glasses.  Is it wrong for me to buy him a pair of fakes glasses so I’m more comfortable looking at a familiar face that I’ve seen on and off since I was in 2nd grade?

My best friend as a child was just on Jeopardy.  He won something like 8 games in a row and 200K+ thousand dollars.  His mom taught me how to dive in his pool when I was a boy.  This story has been told 29803984230984 times over the 2 weeks Jason Keller was on Jeopardy.  To the same 4 or 5 people.  There are about 4 or 5 more people that hate me now.

I’m getting a little sick of the storylines on Glee, but I will always love what it represents.  Inclusion.  For everyone.  Oh, and I loooove the songs.

I try to pretend that I’m some sort of moderate progressive, but if you look at my twitter feed, it’s fairly apparent that I’m a huge liberal douche.  And a huge sports fans.  I guess both are true.

I’m serious, you need to go to my Picasa page and look at 9/17/2011 and the pictures of my wife.  I’ll wait…. …. …. ….  WHAT IS THAT BEAUTIFUL WOMAN DOING WITH ME?!?!  My face is like 8 different colors since my BMT!  I’ve even grown a beard to hide some of the disgusting.

Robocop is now over.  Sadness begins.

Some Ben Stiller movie is on.  If I knew where the remote was, I’d change the channel to SportsCenter and watch more highlights of the NFC Championship game!

One of my friends from work is leaving and moving to Texas.  Huge blow.  It took me by surprise.  I thought my core group of friends at work would be together for years to come.

One of the main selling points of us moving into this apartment was that we thought we would be only 20 minutes away from two of my best friends.  Turns out, we’re only about 12 minutes away.  They’ve already saved my life once.

As liberal a douche I am and as obvious as my vote is going to be in November, I’m not super pleased with our President.  He’s watered down many of the promises he made 3 years ago and a good number of the people in ranking positions in the administration had A LOT to do with everything wrong with the financial system.  Maybe Tim Geitner and Larry Summers aren’t the right people to reign in the banks?  That would be my first thought.

I haven’t actively been involved in fantasy sports for a few years due to illness/marriage.  I’m really hoping to dive back in and make a difference.  Obviously, that’s not going to happen.

Too early for flapjacks?

I think Coming to America is my favorite comedy of all time, but my favorite actor in comedies is and always will be Bill Murray.  Your favorite actor should be Bill Murray, too. 

I’m about 2 weeks away from the 1 year anniversary (my Onocologist refers to it as my new birthday) of my bone marrow transplant.  I wonder if we’re going to do anything to acknowledge it.  I can’t believe it’s been an entire year since this process starts but at the same time, it’s been one hell of a year.

I’ve never been closer to my sister in any period of my life than I am now. I think much of that can be attributed to my illness and the fact that everyone loves my wife and that always gives me a bump.  Either way, I’ll take it.  Nothing is more important than family.

People who take karaoke very seriously and don’t embrace it for the glorious public self-ass-making that it is are just full of themselves and need to lighten.

With the meds I’m taking combined with my general lack of motion, I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been.  By far.  I’m hoping that I fix that this year.

My brain is ceasing to function, I better wrap this up.  Good night.