I feel stuck. I feel caught. I feel stagnant. A few months ago, I'd have several weeks surrounding a few days where I "crash". My body gets so worn out that I basically can't move to even get out of bed. Normally, they would last a day, maybe 2 at most. Well, the latest crash that I've been trying to get over has lasted more than a week. We're almost ten days into it.
Talk about an effing setback. For the last 10 days, I've LITERALLY slept 10+ hours each night except for one night that I was was awake almost THE ENTIRE night just writhing in pain. February 11, 2013 will officially mark the 2nd anniversary of my transplant. If someone had told me I'd still be this deep in shit, I think I might have reconsidered it at the outset.
I was nervous a few months ago when I met the lady that said she was 3 years deep and still experiencing some complications. Is this what's in store for me? Every time I think I'm healthy for anything, I feel like I'm yanked back to square one or even pulled back BEYOND the starting line. The worst part is, I don't, NO ONE knows how to make this any better. Everyone just keeps dropping obligatory words of encouragement while muttering under their breath that they think I am somehow milking this. I wish I could trade places with those people for just ONE WEEK. Just so they might know an inch of the hell I have to go through.
No, that's not fair. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
I'd wish it on Michael Vick