Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It's incredible how fast I forget about Republicans and politics and world news as soon as baseball season starts. At least I'm honest about it!




Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I'm really of tired of these bands of racists and republicans that are coming out against the Obama administration for his deficit spending. I actually got on one person today about it. They had written about how she's "so afraid of the direction that the country is headed and she really fears for her future and that all this spending is just too much and Obama already needs to be impeached for abuse of power" and yadda yadda. REally, lady?

I had a response for her, but I would've RATHER have said..

If you'd stop watching Fox News and Sean insHannity long enough to udnerstand the enormous financial situation we're in, you'd see what is PAINFULLY obvious to MANY bipartisan and reasonably knowledgeable economists... At this point, we are in so deep and the credit crunch is so much that the government is the ONLY entity left that can infuse the economy with enough money to generate growth. Seriously, get your head out of O'Reilly's ass long enough to see the real situation we're in.

I'm willing to say that I don't completely agree with everything Obama has done so far. Who does? But come on! The guy has been in office for TWO EFFING MONTHS! You guys gave Reagan at least 2 years to turn things around... You can only give Obama 2 months? Really?

And this outcry against deficit spending? REALLY? I mean..> REALLY? Where were you people when Bush was spending 10 Billion dollars a MONTH in chinese money to fund a war in Iraq to find the WMDs that DON'T EXIST. Where was your outrage then? Where was your outrage when W inhereted a recession for 2 months and decided that with his tax cuts would solve the problem and the economy would boom. For 8 years, approximately 500+ BILLION dollars went to the top 2% of the tax bracket in the form of tax cuts. How's that working out for us right now? The only thing trickling down to the middle class is the downpour of URINE from Wall Street while they all clench their collective huge anus in fear of everything they have created.

Seriously... Are you coming out against Obama because you're a Republican? Or because you're a racist?

(I actually did use that last line... I was really angry)

But honestly... I don't know how this is going to turn out. What I do know is that Obama is an incredibly intelligent, liberally minded PRESIDENT of the United States elected by a majority of the people of the United States. It took us EIGHT YEARS to dig this hole and we're going to need more than 2 months to turn this thing around. Patience, people. PATIENCE.