Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Cock is Cleaner Than Your Bum

I had to take the day off from work today.  I wasn’t feeling very well and wasn’t really able to sleep last night and just needed a day to get my shit together. 

Of course, that afforded me the time to watch TV (after doing my laundry).  So,  I watched With Honors again today.  My god, I love that movie.  Right now, I’m willing to go as far as to say that it’s my second favorite movie of all time (behind "Contact”… Don’t ask.. I’m a weirdo).  Of course, being the enormous sap I am, I cried like a baby at the end when Monty reads Simon’s obituary.

I absolutely love stories of redemption.  Redemption is what makes humanity so great.  Redemption is what makes being human worthwhile.  In 99% of cases on Earth, no matter what ill-advised decision you’ve made, there’s always a chance of at least SOME redemption.