Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cheating the Game

I'm so jaded with baseball right now. I feel so cynical. You know what, that's not accurate. I'm sick and tired of the business of baseball. With ARod (now known as ARoid) coming out with having been a steroid user, I feel as though my entire baseball world has been shattered.

I was so incredibly hurt when I first heard the news. I was driving to NJ for practice with my band with Anita (who unfortunately is made to listen to sports talk radio now that I'm borrowing my mom's truck for the winter) and the story broke. I hadn't initially heard it, but Anita did. She made a comment and I immediately defended ARod. He's so lean! He's not a huge headed slugger. He's going to retire as the greatest player ever. Then I listened. FOUR independant sources had confirmed to SI that ARod had tested positive for TWO different PEDs. Say it ain't so, Alex.

I was immediately distraught. ARod was supposed to be the guy that RECLAIMED baseball's hallowed records from the people that cheated the game. ARod was supposed to be the guy that brought these records back to my beloved Yankees. Now, he's in the same band as these other misfits. His records, his statistics, his career will ALWAYS be viewed through that looking glass.

Worse yet was his half assed interview. While I believe that he is sorry for having done what he did, is he sorry because he did something wrong? Or is he sorry for having been caught? And when Gammons asked him what he took specifically, he didn't know? Really? You're the highest paid player in the major leagues... By far. You don't know what's going into your body? I'm a low paid employee for Suburban Propane and I know kind of awful stuff I'm putting into my body. You're telling me you have no idea what's going into yours? Please spare me the legacy saving bullshit, it's really stinking up the joint.

And speaking of legacy, I think it's over. I think ARod will probably get into the hall one day, but this will always be chasing him. When he approaches the magic numbers of 714 and 755 and whatever Barroid's number is, this whole story will be hashed again. The legitimacy of EVERYTHING he has done will come into question. And it just makes me sad.

I don't know where to go from here with this. I don't know what to believe in with the sport that I love so much. I don't know who to revere and who to admonish. I have no idea who to cheer and who to boo.

There are 103 names left on this infamous list, I hope that they're released sooner rather than later. If it happens slowly over the next few years, the steroid era is NEVER going to pass. Embarrass these people now and get it over with so we can all cry, shout, and be done with it. That is of course, unless Jeter's on the list. If he's on the list, keep it to yourself.

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