Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm finally writing about my birthday.

My birthday was awesome. At work( since I was taking a half day), I got a "birthday cake" made out of donuts. I ate them. Everyone sang happy birthday to me, but it was a little awkward. For some strange reason, when it came time to say my name in the song, there was this split second pause for everyone. It wasn't a big deal, but I just can't figure out how it happened or why it happened and how was it EVERYONE that paused. Strange. Whatever, I got to leave 1/2 way through the day.

I came home to be met by Phil (who forgot it was my birthday... But would make up for it later... Keep reading) and waited for my mom. What did I do while I waited? What else but good ol' PS3. I seem to have almost given up on MLB 08 the Show because of its horrendous gameplay and have almost exclusively playing Madden (as was probably going to happen anyway). I find Madden '09 to be the most flawed version of the game I've played in a while.... But whatever, it's Madden and I'm in. My biggest complaint is that the controls and movement of players is much more awkward than it has been in Maddens past. Again... Whatever.. It's Madden... Let's play.

My mom showed up (which clued Phil in that it was my birthday... hahaha) and we watched a little TV to let her settle in and then her and I headed out. She went shopping at Target and various other stores and I tagged along. I was happy just to be hanging out with my mom.

Fast forward. James, Phil, Anita, my mother, and I watch Slumdog Millionaire. This is an absolutely fantastic movie and it deserves all the accolades it receives. After the movie, we cut the 2 cakes I got. 1 standard pillsbury box cake my mom made me which was delicious and 1 incredibly phenomonal banana cake with cream cheese frosting that Anita made me from scratch. I only have three words to describe it. Dee. Lish. Us. I wish I could eat it right now. Yum yum and then some. Anyway, I probably ate about 12 servings of that cake. Oh! I forgot the best part (and Phil's redemption)! After I cut the cake, he absolutely smeared frosting all over my face. He got me when I haven't been able to be gotten in YEARS. YEARS, I'm telling you. I just wasn't expecting it. Kudos to him. I'm usually ready for it.

We lazed around and watched some more TV before deciding to have something light to eat. We head over to the Friendly's that opened up right behind our house and eat. That was pretty much it. Much more sedate than years past, but still extremely awesometastic.

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