Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Against My Better Judgment

So it has long been my best friend Joe's thought that our phone conversations should be turned into podcasts that should be shared with the world and labeled something to the effect of "Comedic Thunder" or "Guido Dots" or something like that.

Of course, in the interest of NEITHER of us getting arrested for some of the absolute awful stuff that falls out of our mouth over the safety of the security of our phone connection, I remind him it's smarter that these words stay between us.

That being said, I feel like I need to share this one story that unfolded slowly over the past few days.

Let me set the stage for you:

A few days ago when it became apparent that I would partake in this procedure of photoferesis, Joe was obviously one of the first to know.  Now, I'm sure I explained it to him quite intelligently, but for some reason, when I said "it takes my blood, exposes it to sunlight and the blood reacts to the UV light."   For some reason, his response was, "Oh!  I get it.  You go to the doctor and go through a procedure where you turn sunlight into semien.  I get it.  We all knew it was going this way eventually."

It broke the tension I was feeling.  It was funny.  Come on.  It was.

Anyway....  Fast forward to today at 8:00.  My mom has driven me down to the center but at the first sign of blood being taken out of my arm, she BOLTS from the room like a thief at a police HQ.  She did well getting to my house so early and taking me... Poor girl just can't handle the site of blood.  Not a big issue, I had my trusty tablet queued up on a cheesy movie and I was ready do to.  8:00am hits and I hear the chorus from "Crazy Love" by Aaron Neville playing from my phone..  What the heck is Joe doing calling me so early in the morning?

"Yo...  Joe..  What are you doing calling me so early in the morning?"

"Fuck you... I'm up.  You're up.  That's my new rule."

"I'm glad I was consulted on this new rule."

"Oh please, like you consulted me on your I'm gonna whine all the time because I'm sick all the time rule."

"Touchy,.  I just got hooked up to all the machines, the photoferesis thing is about to begin."

"Oh yeah, they're ready to turn that sunlight into siemen, eh?  I'm positive this is going to make you feel better."

"I really hope so, but I can't find my mom!  She's been missing for like 40 minutes!"

Joe's final response, "Well DUH!  Someone's gotta go out there and wrestle up that siemen!  It doesn't come from nowhere!  Everyone's gotta do their part to get you back!"

I seriously laughed for the next five minutes.

Not for nothing, and he's going to resent that I'm using him as an example of what's going right...  But this is the kind of support I've been getting and it's been great.  I feel like I've been completely terrible to my friends over the past few weeks.  It has been met with nothing but understanding and kindness.  I've been treated by my nearest and dearest as if NOTHING is wrong and whether I cancel engagements with them or not, they've just been treating me like everything is alright...  PLanning the next event or making fun of my mother or whatever it is we normally we do.  It gives me a sense of normalcy to grasp on to as my own normal drifts in this sea of medication, emotion, and bloating.

I will say that after the treatment, I felt wept out, but I felt good.  And after I rested, I felt great for a good cross section of the day.  At the end of the day, though...  I still fell completely fatigued... But I'm hopeful with this procedure.  For about 5 hours, I felt REALLY good.  Not something I could say for a WHILE.  plus, I got to wear those AWESOME glasses.  Oooohhh  Yeahhh...

Here we go again tomorrow!

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