Monday, February 14, 2011

Day +3: Just Because I’m Losing, it Doesn’t Mean I’m Lost

The last few days have basically melted together.   We had a small environmental problem with the heating unit where it was like a sweatbox in here for a couple of days.

Now that the fervor of Skype and everything has kind of died down, a feeling of listlessness has taken over.  I’m thankful when I get to see Anita, my mom, and my other family, but when I’m alone in my room, it feels very lonely.  I don’t have the energy to really do anything.   Not even put on a movie or anything.  That also contributes to the no posting.  I apologize.

Other than that, I basically have nothing else going on.


  1. Nice redesign of the blog!

  2. Hello Paulash,
    You don't know me but I started reading your blog last Saturday when I ran across your post on the FB Myelofibrosis website. My husband underwent a stem cell transplant last November 23, 2010 from an unrelated donor so today he is T+83 and doing very well. We have a blog also if you would care to read it is at We didn't know he had MF until he became ill with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia, apparently he developed the leukemia from the fibrosis.

    Anyway, that is how I happened across your blog and I wanted to tell you how touching it is. I have enjoyed reading your journey very much, you have a very genuine way of expressing yourself, keep it up. I'm hooked now and check everyday to see how you are doing.

    I also want to say, "Hang in there"! You will get better. From what I have observed on the transplant wing in Chicago,and I was there in my husbands room day and night for three weeks, most people started feeling better about day +10. I pray for you continually, Dawn McCreery
