Friday, February 18, 2011

Day +7: I Don’t Want to be an Old Man Anymore, It’s Been a Year or Two Since I was out on the Floor

It’s a little bit of cheating because it’s just beyond 12:00, but I’m waiting on transport for a CT Scan and since I’m coherent, I figured I’d try and throw in a little something extra.

First, props to my mom.  My goodness..  She has been here day in and day out babying my like I don’t deserve at all.  Getting back to real life is going to be really difficult.  What she’s done for me is above and beyond what is called of a mother.

Second,  as my immune system has bottomed out, I was transfused with two units of red blood cells while my hemoglobin count was at 8.1.  I’ve NEVER had the pleasure of 2 bags of red blood cells and while I still feel down, the underlying energy is absolutely fantastic (hence another post).

This week coming up is going to be a week of many people visiting and I can’t wait.  Friends from NEPA and from the Jerz are coming by to say hello and shake their stuff for me (ahem Steve ahem).  Most importantly, I get to see Anita IN THE FLESH for the first time in a week.  It’s going to be so tough with the no skin contact…  But Just having her in the same room as me makes me so happy.

My big fear now (aside from all the other ones) is that I’m mere days away from when my hair should start falling out.  }o-(  I can’t repeat how much I love my hair and how much I’m going to miss it.  Hopefully it grows back thicker and more beautiful and before the wedding!!

Alright, I thiink that’s all the drivel I can muster for one post

But here's a great classic for all of you

PS – I forgot to mention what a fantastic job I did of Yankeeing out my hospital room.  From the huge fridge magnet, to the Jeter Fathead on the door, to the NYY flag in the window, to the stickers on the entrance…   I may be in enemy territory… But we are the motherfucking Yankees.  We eat away fields for breakfast!


  1. No skin contact?! Then why am I coming??(that's what she said)

  2. Glad to hear the transfusions helped and that you will see Anita today. Didn't you shave your head? I wouldn't worry about your hair (though I would feel the same way.) Men can get away with being bald and still beautiful and everyone I know who has lost their hair had it come back just as nice as before. Feel better. Still praying. Diane
